Category Archives: orcish cuisine

Hunt for the Onion Monster

My human has finally seen reason and gave up on this Alois guy (for now, she says). But instead of finally tending to my wishes she found something else to occupy her time: indoor gardening. Yes, she also has to do what she calls ‘work’, which from my point of view is no different to what she is doing the rest of day: computering. Or whatever you call that stuff. Me doing it right now, too. Hehe.

Anyway, she-human insists that we should be more eco-friendly. We had that before, remember? And how did that go? Don’t ask.Thrakbog cutting green onions But I finally saw a way to get her attention (I’m a sucker for my human’s attention, but I guess you figured that, right?): I help her with the green stuff.
Growing our own veggie stuff, is what she means by that. Producing lovely green orcs as offspring is what I would mean by growing green stuff, but never mind.

Myself being a wonderful shade of green I consider myself an expert on everything concerning that color. So, I joined in, cutting the giant plants. And in order to make it more fun I pretend there is a monster hiding in the green onions. That reminded me of the time when I went into the giant chives in order to get the monstrous fluffy spider. That was outdoor fun, now we’re indoors. Winter is coming. Again. I became rather fond of central heating I have to admit. Pretending to hunt the green onion monster was fun, at least for a bit. I moved very silently through the green jungle on the window sill….

And guess what? There it is. A green onion monster, I mean. Thrakbog in a heap of onionsMe. Muahahar. Pathetic? Yeah, well…, it is hard to be the only monster of my kind. I feel lonely, but does my human care? Well, she does, to be honest, but not nearly enough for my liking. Human monsters are so weird in their monstrosity that I can’t even tell them apart from the more friendly specimens of the species. So I stick to my human and her weird ideas about eco-orcs and orcish gardening. Or something like that.

Thrakbog cutting an eggNow I will prepare her breakfast. My fellow orcs must never know that I am so docile. Shut up, you.

Fennel? Must be aliens then.

My human is highly disturbed (and disturbing).

Right, you might say, that is not entirely new information. But in her defense I have to add that I find what happened today mildly disturbing myself. Gather round, lads and lasses, and hear me out.

My human hates fennel. She finds it so disgusting, that even the smell of fennel tea almost makes her vomit. She has told me so in no uncertain terms more than once, because I quite like it and was banned to the balcony whenever I merely suggested we might have a cuppa.

Today I caught her drinking fennel tea.

Asked WTF?, she looked at me with utter horror in her eyes, knowing immediately what I meant. She could not believe it herself. Not only did she NOT vomit, but she rather enjoyed the taste. Devastated, she assumed that the previous night she must have been abducted by aliens who probed her mind, sort of brain-washed her, to make her like fennel tea.

Personally I think my orcish charms finally worked on her and she secretly wants to please me. Although she would never openly admit that. She has commitment issues. Why she should be ashamed to have a relationship with a proper orc is beyond me. So, I let her believe it was fennel-aliens who did it. She is not someone to be gainsaid. I learned that the hard (cold/wet) way, spending endless hours/days on the balcony for various reasons.

Next, I will put my orcish charms to even better use: will make her like roasted rat breast on toast with hot sauce. And a slice of fennel. Hehe.

Orcish Cuisine

Me in the chivesI’ve said it before (don’t remember where or when): orcs usually don’t cook their food. But as I have the great misfortune to share a flat with a human I had to learn one or two things about the whole matter. And as always I’m more then willing to share my knowledge.

Also, it gives me the opportunity to go hunting in the giant chives, as you can see in the picture. I’m perfectly camouflaged, only the sword blows it a bit. Continue reading Orcish Cuisine